The butler vs Wiggins thing has gotten ugly. Duses are acring like 10th graders with their social media flaming
The organization doesnt know what to do...and woukd like to get rid of butler with mefia day being Monday.
Rumore from nba source: butler to nuggs for the Jamal canadian kid and Harris
Ugly rumor that stays here: butler and thr 7 footer hate each other of them line stepped and got familiar with anothers friend.
Similar to what happened with Roy.
Hope its not true. Ugly. Hahah
The organization doesnt know what to do...and woukd like to get rid of butler with mefia day being Monday.
Rumore from nba source: butler to nuggs for the Jamal canadian kid and Harris
Ugly rumor that stays here: butler and thr 7 footer hate each other of them line stepped and got familiar with anothers friend.
Similar to what happened with Roy.
Hope its not true. Ugly. Hahah