richmond pushes off makes and misses. hoyas have to get back...big time. and communicate.
spiders run a princeton variant...they push for early offense. will get into princeton, but the guards WILL break off and do their thing. with impunity. hahah
i would love to see hoyas zone against these guys.
they post buckingham..who can bully guards. have to address that.
offensively have to punish them down downlow. then work kick outs, with shooters making shots.
spiders run a princeton variant...they push for early offense. will get into princeton, but the guards WILL break off and do their thing. with impunity. hahah
i would love to see hoyas zone against these guys.
they post buckingham..who can bully guards. have to address that.
offensively have to punish them down downlow. then work kick outs, with shooters making shots.