Does the team practice blocking out?
Handling the Press?
I saw players that blocked out (rare sighting) but they didn't go for the ball. I saw Jagan waiting for a ball to come to him instead of going to get the ball of course the other team got the ball and made a three pointer.
Georgetown has not played good a whole game in two years
JT3 has to dedicate like a week of practice to blocking out because the team does not get it.
I know the guards were told to help rebounding but when we don't get the ball the other team scores by making wide open three pointers.
But a body on someone it's not that hard.
Handling the Press?
I saw players that blocked out (rare sighting) but they didn't go for the ball. I saw Jagan waiting for a ball to come to him instead of going to get the ball of course the other team got the ball and made a three pointer.
Georgetown has not played good a whole game in two years
JT3 has to dedicate like a week of practice to blocking out because the team does not get it.
I know the guards were told to help rebounding but when we don't get the ball the other team scores by making wide open three pointers.
But a body on someone it's not that hard.